As Franz Boas – the grandfather of modern anthropologic science – would say: a collection of data from every aspect is the most important element in understanding culture. In attempting to stay true to his thoughts, sourced their data for this study from 3 different methodologies and an assortment of Millennial minds. These included an ethnography of an organically-built online community, a set of consecutive focus group think-tanks and a quantitative survey conducted across a larger population of Millennials. Each component was used in tandem to shape the questions we asked throughout the research and corroborate the empirical insights that we arrived upon.
To reach our ultimate goal of understanding the underlying interactions between Millennials and the consumer world, each stage of research was used to slowly build the Millennial mindstate and clarify how their thought process worked. The digital ethnography gave us their environment; the Virtual Company allowed us to observe their perspective on modern business; and the quantitative survey gave us the chance to test and confirm our hypotheses.
This study was conducted in 3 phases: