What your company will look like when Millennials call the shots
By Mr Youth and Intrepid

A Decade of Change
John F. Kennedy once said, ”Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” This quote, though valid throughout time, rings especially true today. The reality of the present and possibility of the future blur together more than ever before.
The past decade has bred unprecedented innovation in technology, financial collapse, increased fear of climate change, and the democratization of media creation and consumption in a globalized society dealing with the aftermath of a major terrorist attack. Without a keen eye and a fervent passion to both evolve and drive change, it is easier than ever for both brands and individuals alike to blink and be left behind.
Welcome to Millennial Inc
As society continues to embrace and consistently demand drastic change, it is Millennials who are
most poised to lead tomorrow’s successful businesses. By the end of the next decade, Millennials may
not be CEOs of every Fortune 500 company- probably not even the majority of them. But Millennials
like Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), Kevin Rose (Digg), Chad Hurley (YouTube), Blake Ross (Mozilla)
and Jack Nickell (Threadless) will bring the change by continuing to shake up how we communicate,
consume media, browse the web and make products. In order to succeed, organizations will need to
have Millennial values sewn into the fabric of their companies. They must strive to find new ways to
empower this budding generation and unlock employees’ creativity as they advocate change. This is
Millennial Inc.
Changing of the Guard
While youth have always introduced new ideas that help shape culture, today’s young generation have
found themselves at the very epicenter of major societal change. While Millennials may not yet be CEOs of Fortune 500 companies or leaders of the free world, they are possibly the biggest influencers and innovators around today.
A 25-year-old is the CEO of the most searched brand on the web, a site with a larger population than the United States. We have a Commander in Chief who won his spot in office thanks to a grass roots movement fueled by social media. He YouTubes, tweets and cannot be separated from his Blackberry. Clearly President Obama doesn’t fall into the 1977-1996 age range used most frequently to define Millennials, but he understands the importance of adopting their values and thinking like one. Embracing the Millennial perspective is key for anyone wanting to keep up (and move ahead of the curve)

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